Tornado Emergency Logo
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About Tornado Emergency

Prepare for nature's fury in Tornado Emergency, where you will take on the role of a daring storm chaser. Your mission? Collect vital data on severe weather events by strategically deploying probes and maneuvering your high-tech intercept vehicle. Will you play it safe, keeping a cautious distance from the raging storms? Or will you risk it all, venturing into the heart of violent tornados to capture breathtaking footage?

Tornado by Car
Development Update 03/02/2025
Hey, storm chasers! I've been working hard towards the playtesting phase and am excited to share some of the progress made in the past few weeks.



Play with your friends or meet new ones! You'll be able to see other chasers' real-time locations on the map in-game, as well as ride along with them if you wish.

Map & Radar System

In each vehicle, you'll have a laptop with access to real-time radar data such as reflectivity, velocity, correlation coefficient (will be added after EA), and other weather warnings.

Character Customization (WIP)

You'll be able to customize your appearance to make a unique character. (Work in progress, not yet implemented)

Vehicle Customization

Use money earned from data collection to upgrade your chase vehicle with cool attachments.

Data Probes & Cameras

Take pictures of weather events or place your data probe in the path of a tornado to collect vital data and earn money in-game.

Drones (WIP)

The sky is the limit! Use drones to get a bird's eye view of the storm and collect data from a safe distance. (Work in progress, not yet implemented)

InGame ScreenshotTornado image

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a release date yet?

Currently no. As the primary developer of this game, I am currently a student in college and am developing in my available free time.

How realistic will the game be?

While realism is an end-goal, I am currently prioritizing the "fun" over realism for release.

What intercept vehicles will there be?

I want to include various versions of the Dominator/TIV and other intercept vehicles. Currently, for EA, I am planning to have the TIV2 along with another custom intercept vehicle.

What will be the minimum requirements to run the game?

This question will be answered once alpha testing has finished.